Public records index - publications

A complete list of publications is listed below. To quickly find your publication, click on the first letter of the title below:

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Note: All Property Tax and Timber Tax publications are grouped together.


911 Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.


Active Nonreporting
Active Nonreporting guidelines and criteria.

Aerospace Industry
List of aerospace tax incentives.

Agriculture Guide
Help farmers understand their tax liability.

Aircraft Taxes
Explanation of the annual taxes imposed on using an aircraft in Washington.

Audit Process Brochure
Covers audit process including documents to be examined and what happens after audit.

Auto Dealer Guide to Excise Taxes
B&O Sales/use tax application for auto dealers.


Beauticians Guide
Industry specific information for beauticians.

Brokered Natural Gas Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Business and Occupation (B&O) Tax
Business and occupation tax fact sheet.

Business Tax Basics
Workbook to help new and existing businesses better understand Washington 's tax structure.


Child Care Operators
Industry specific information for child care operators.

Cigarette Tax
General cigarette tax information.

Commercial Fishing Tax Guide
Describes the application of taxes to persons engaged in commercial fishing operations.

Commercial Vessel Tax
Explanation of personnel property tax on commercial vessels.

Common Business Activities Table
Common classifications reported on the excise tax return.

Construction Tax Guide
Tax information for the construction industry.

Convention and Trade Center
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Note: No publications are listed under "D."


Electronic Payments
Explanation of the types of electronic payments.

Enhanced Food Fish
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Estate Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Excise Tax Law Book Supplement
Supplement to Excise Tax Law book.

Excise Tax Laws
Title 82, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and miscellaneous ancillary tax laws.

Excise Tax Rule Book
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) chapter 458-20 (Excise tax rules) and WAC 458-276 (public records).

Note: No publications are listed under "F" or "G."


Hazardous Substance Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

High Technology Sales/Use Tax Deferral

Hospital Tax Guide
Common reporting problems and solutions to avoid them.

How to Amend Your Tax Return
Explains the steps to amend your tax return.


Indian Tax Guide

Intermediate Care Facilities (IMR) Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Note: No publications are listed under "J" or "K."


Litter Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Local Sales and Use Tax Rates and Changes
Provides the local codes and tax rates for all state locations and reporting guidelines.

Local Sales Tax Change Notices
Notices of tax rate changes.

Lodging Tax Guide
Better understand the taxes that apply to lodging and the proper tax classifications.


Managed Audit Program

Manufacturers' Sales/Use Tax Exemption
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Motor Vehicle Sales/Use Tax


Nonprofit Organizations
Describes tax requirements and exemptions for nonprofit organizations.


Oil Spill Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Out-of-state Businesses, Guide for
Tax information for out-of-state businesses.


Petroleum Products Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Property Tax:

Public & Confidential Information Guidelines (pdf)

Public Utility Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Note: No publications are listed under "Q."


Real Estate Excise Tax
Tax on the sale of real estate.

Refuse (solid waste) Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Regional Transit Authority Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Rental Car Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Requirements to Become a Cigarette Wholesaler
Explains steps to become cigarette wholesaler.

Restaurant and Retailers of Prepared Food
Assists persons engaged in the selling of prepared food and other related businesses to better understand the taxes that apply to their business.

Retail Sales Tax

Rural County (Distressed Area) Business and Occupation Tax Credit for New Employees


Small Business B & O Tax Credit Table for Annual Filers
Annual Small Business B&O tax tables.

Small Business B & O Tax Credit Table for Monthly Filers
Monthly Small Business B&O tax tables.

Small Business B&O Tax Credit Table for Quarterly Filers
Quarterly Small Business B&O tax tables.

School Districts Tax Guide
General tax information to assist school districts comply with their tax reporting responsibilities.

Special Hotel/Motel Tax
Explanation of the tax and rates.

Special Notices
List of special notices by subject that provide information on legislative changes and tax application.

Solid Fuel Burning Device Fee
Explanation of the fee and rate.

Syrup Tax
Explanation of the tax and rate.


Taverns Tax Guide is now a part of the Restaurant and Retailers of Prepared Food guide.
Assists persons engaged in the tavern business to better understand the taxes that apply to taverns.

Tax Classifications, Credits, and Deduction Definitions
Explains the tax classifications, credits and deductions that may appear on an excise tax return.

Tax Consultation Service
Explanation of the tax consultation visits provided by the Department of Revenue.

Tax, Title and Registration of Boats (w/DOL)

Tax Incentives
Incentive Programs: Deferrals, Exemptions and credits offered by the state of Washington.

Tax Reference Manual
General description and historical information on over 50 taxes.

Taxpayer Rights and Responsibilities
Information on agency procedures and services available to taxpayers.

Tax Reference Manual
General description and historical information on over 50 taxes.

Taxpayer Rights and Responsibilities
Information on agency procedures and services available to taxpayers.

Timber Tax:

Tobacco Products Tax
Explanation of the tax and fee.

Transient Rental Income
Explanation of the tax and fee.


Unclaimed Property 2020 Annual Report

Use Tax


Vessel Brokers and Dealers Tax Guide
B&O sales and use tax applications for vessel brokers and dealers.

Veterinarians Tax Guide

Voluntary Disclosure Program


Warehouse Tax Incentive
Provides criteria for taking the incentive.

Washington State Tax Guide
Information for out-of-state businesses.

Note: No publications are listed under "X," "Y," or "Z."