
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Comparative state and local taxes

The comparative state and local taxes report provides a comprehensive look at Washington’s relative tax burden among the 50 states. We report tax rates for major taxes, the reliance on major state and local taxes, and the tax burdens of the selected taxes for each state. Open the current comparative state and local taxes report (PDF), the data tables (Excel), or the interactive data visualizations below to learn more.

Measuring tax burden

There are several ways to measure tax burdens. Each approach has its own merits and is suited to a particular purpose. The two primary methods used in this report are the amount of taxes in relation to personal income and in relation to population.

Washington taxes per $1,000 personal income have remained lower than the U.S. average since 2000.

Reliance on major taxes

States revenues come from a variety of sources. However, tax structures vary significantly from state to state. The interactive data below allows you to choose a state and see how reliance on certain taxes changes over time. Scroll over or click the visualization for additional detail.

Washington is one of seven states with no individual income taxes.

Interactive presentation of taxes for the 50 states

This interactive data presentation allows you to filter the information on each page by various criteria, such as fiscal year, tax, or view. Scroll over or click visualizations for additional detail.

Additional reports

Additional reports with data back to 1997 are available for download in the report library.