
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

File or amend my return

File online

File your return electronically using My DOR. Simply log in to My DOR using your Secure Access Washington (SAW) user ID. You will need your tax account ID and letter ID, printed on correspondence from the Department, to sign up.

File by mail

Starting with your 2020 tax return, you must file and pay electronically. If you haven’t already, please sign up for My DOR and start e-filing your returns.

If you have received a waiver from the department to file by paper, please use the paper return sent to you by mail or download the form and instructions. Learn more about requesting a waiver.

If you discover that you made a mistake on a previously filed tax return, you can amend your return. You may go back four years, plus the current year.

Payment methods

Depending on whether you file your return electronically or by mail, the Department offers several types of payment methods.

Self-service payment plan

You may qualify for a self-service payment plan for a billed tax liability. Choose from 3, 6, 9, or 12 month payment terms.