Quarterly Business Reviews

A compilation of statistics on gross income, taxable retail sales and accrued tax liability as reported by Washington state excise taxpayers.

Explore Our Statistical Data

To explore the statistical data available, use our Create a report tool to create local sales and use tax reports for specific jurisdictions, gross business income tables, state retail sales tax tables and a variety of other reports.

Quarterly Business Review publications by year

The QBR publications contain standardized tables detailing gross business income, taxable retail sales and accrued tax liability by major industry. Beginning with 2005, the QBR tables were converted from SIC to NAICS codes. This was an effort to move in line with national standards. For more information on SIC and NAICS codes please visit our Frequently asked questions.

When is this data updated?

Our goal is to post new data as follows:
Quarter 1 - early August (includes January, February, March monthly and Quarter 1 reporters)
Quarter 2 - early November (includes April, May, June monthly and Quarter 2 reporters)
Quarter 3 - early February (includes July, August, September monthly and Quarter 3 reporters)
Quarter 4 - early June (includes October, November, December monthly, Quarter 4 and Annual reporters)
Calendar year - early June with Quarter 4 posting

Understanding our Timeline

After the last return for the quarter is due* we allow time for our operations division to review the returns prior to processing statistical data.

*The Excise tax due dates are found here: tax filing frequency schedule

For Quarters 1, 2 and 3, we allow two months for operations review and one month for statistical processing. Our goal is to post early in the fourth month after the return due date. For example, Quarter 1 returns are due April 30, so our goal is to post data by early August.

For Quarter 4, the Annual taxpayers have until April 15 to file (rather than January 31 by Quarter 4 reporters). We allow for operations review and statistical processing Apr 15-May 31, with our goal to post QT4 and Calendar year data in early June.

Note: The current contact phone number will be in the most recent QBR publication

Detailed tax data by industry and tax classification

This data represents information reported on Washington's combined excise tax return. The data is grouped by tax classification and either NAICS code or SIC code. This detail data is used to produce the QBR and a variety of other statistics and reports.