
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Part 4: List of voter approved levies by taxing district type


No. Type of taxing district Type of levy Approval requirement Validation requirement Cite Duration
1 Affordable housing Regular Majority None RCW 84.52.105, Ballot must conform to: 84.52.054, 29A.36.071 Up to 10 years
2 Air pollution control district Excess 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 70.94.091, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
3 Airport district Regular Majority None RCW 14.08.290, 29A.36.071 No duration limit
4 Cemetery district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 68.52.290, 68.52.310, 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
5 City (General levy) Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
6 City (General levy) Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.056, 29A.36.071, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution, Art. 8, Sec. 6, Art 8, Sec 6 Length of bond
7 City or town EMS Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
8 City or town EMS Regular 50% None RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
9 City transportation authority area Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 35.95A.100, Ballot must conform to: 29A.36.210(1) Specified by ballot; may be unlimited
10 City transportation authority area Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 35.95A.070(1), 84.52.052, 84.52.054 1 year
11 City transportation authority area Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 35.95A.070(2), 84.52.056, 39.36.050, 29A.52.351 Specified by ballot; may be unlimited
12 County current expense budget district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
13 County current expense budget district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.056 Length of bond
14 County EMS Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
15 County EMS Regular 50% none RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
16 County Ferry District Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.54.140, 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
17 County rail district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.60.040(1), 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
18 County rail district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.60.040(2), 84.52.056, Length of bond
19 County road district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
20 County road district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election 84.52.056 Length of bond
21 Criminal justice Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.135, 29A.36.210(1) 6 years
22 Cultural arts, stadium, and convention district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 67.38.130(2), 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
23 Cultural arts, stadium, and convention district Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 67.38.130(1), 29A.36.210(1) 6 years
24 Cultural arts, stadium, and convention district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 67.38.130(3), 84.52.056, 39.36.050 Length of bond
25 Cultural access program Regular Majority None ESHB 2263 section 403 (levy authority & ballot measure requirements same cite.) Up to 10 years
26 Emergency medical service Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
27 Emergency medical service Regular 50% None RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
28 Emergency medical service Excess (General)
(if county is less than 1000 pop. p/sq mile)
60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054 1 year
29 EMS services district Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
30 EMS services district Regular 50% None RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
31 Fire protection district Excess (M&O) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.130, 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 2 to 4 years
32 Fire protection district Excess (Construction) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.130, 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 2 to 6 years
33 Fire protection district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election   Length of bond
34 Fire protection district EMS Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
35 Fire protection district EMS Regular 50% none RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
36 Flood control zone district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 86.15.160(1), 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
37 Flood control zone district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 86.15.160, 84.52.056, Art. 8, Sec 6 and Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
38 Library district (Inter-County Rural) Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
39 Library district (Inter-County Rural) Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 27.12.222, 84.52.056, 39.36.050, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
40 Library district (Island) Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
41 Library district (Island) Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 27.12.222, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
42 Library district (Rural County) Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
43 Library district (Rural County) Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 27.12.222, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
44 Library district (Rural) Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
45 Library district (Rural) Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 27.12.222, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
46 Lid lift Regular Majority None RCW 84.55.050 1 year; multiple years (up to 6 years)
47 Metropolitan park district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 35.61.210 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
48 Metropolitan park district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
49 Mosquito control district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 17.28.252, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
50 Mosquito control district Regular Majority Persons voting on the proposition RCW 17.28.100 1 year at time of formation
51 Mosquito control district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW17.28.260, 39.36.050, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Up to 10 years
52 Other districts except school districts Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054 1 year (Fire districts up to 6 years)
53 Other districts except school districts (all taxing districts not otherwise noted with a specific statute for excess bonds fall under the general bond statute) Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
54 Park & recreation district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
55 Park & recreation district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
56 Park & recreation district Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.69.145, 29A.36.210(1) 6 years
57 Park & recreation service area Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
58 Park & recreation service area Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
59 Park & recreation service area Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.68.525, 29A.36.210(1) 6 years
60 Port district (Dredging, canal construction or land leveling or filling purposes) Regular Majority 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 53.36.070 1 year
61 Port district (Industrial development district) Regular Majority 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 53.36.100 6 years (this is considered the second period of up to three 6 year periods)
(Note: First 6 year period does not require voter approval)
62 Port district (Industrial development district -- by a district in a county bordering the Pacific Ocean) Regular Majority 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 53.36.100 6 years (this is considered the third period of up to three 6 year periods)
(Note: First 6 year period does not require voter approval)
63 Port district Regular (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 53.36.030(4), 39.36.050 Up to 50 years
64 Public facilities districts Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.100.050(1), 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
65 Public facilities districts Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.100.050(2), 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
66 Public hospital district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 70.44.060(6), 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
67 Public hospital district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 70.44.060(5)(b), 70.44.110, 70.44.130, 39.46.110, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Up to 30 years
68 Public hospital EMS Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
69 Public hospital EMS Regular 50% None RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
70 Regional fire protection EMS Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
71 Regional fire protection EMS Regular 50% none RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
72 Regional fire protection service authority Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 52.26.140(2), 84.52.052, 84.52.054 1 year
73 Regional fire protection service authority Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 52.26.130(3), 84.52.056 Up to 25 years
74 Regional transit authority Regular Majority None RCW 81.104.175 (no ballot measure requirements) No specified
75 Roads & bridge service district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.83.030(1), 36.83.040, 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
76 Roads & bridge service district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.83.030(2), 36.83.040, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution and Art. 8, Sec 6 Up to 40 years
77 School districts Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 28A.530.010, 020 , 030, 080, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
78 School districts Excess (Enrichment) 50% None RCW 84.52.053(1), 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 2 to 4 years; Can only have one at a time.
79 School districts Excess (Transportation) 50% None RCW 84.52.053(1), 84.52.054, 28A.160.130(1)(c), Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 2 years
80 School districts Excess (Construction) 50% None RCW 84.52.053(1), 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 2 to 6 years
81 School districts Excess (Capital Project Levy / Technology) 50% None RCW 84.52.053, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 2 to 6 years
82 Solid waste disposal district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.58.150, 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
83 Solid waste disposal district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.58.150, 84.52.056, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
84 Transportation benefit district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.73.060(1), 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
85 Transportation benefit district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 36.73.060(2), 84.52.056. Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Length of bond
86 Urban EMS district Regular 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Initial 6 or 10 year levy or permanent levy
87 Urban EMS district Regular 50% None RCW 29A.36.210, 84.52.069 Uninterrupted continuation of 6 or 10 year levy
88 Water / sewer district Excess (Bond) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 57.20.105 and .019, 84.52.056, 39.36.050, Art. 7, Sec. 2(b) of Washington Constitution Up to 30 years
89 Water / sewer district Excess (At Time of Formation) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 57.04.050 Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year
90 Water / sewer district Excess (General) 60% 40% of voters voting in the last preceding general election RCW 84.52.052, 84.52.054, Art. 7, Sec. 2(a) of Washington Constitution 1 year