
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Commercial vessel tax

Commercial vessel tax is a personal property tax. Generally, boats exempt from the watercraft excise tax are subject to the personal property tax. Vessels used exclusively for commercial fishing purposes and U.S. Coast Guard documented vessels used primarily for commercial purposes such as charter and time-share boats, tugs and barges are subject to this tax.

Beginning with Annual 2014 tax assessments, the DOR will include the commercial vessel derelict vessel removal fee of $1 per foot of vessel length when the commercial vessel tax is assessed.

You must list your vessel with the Department of Revenue by filling out and submitting a Commercial Vessel Tax Personal Property Listing Application.

Certain vessels are taxed only for the time they are in Washington. In January of each year, the Department of Revenue sends a Watercraft Personal Property Notice of Value to each vessel owner showing the market value and asking each owner to report how many days the vessel was in the state the previous year. In March, the property tax statement is mailed to each taxpayer with full payment due by April 30.

For more information, see Commercial Vessel Tax.