Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.
If you have any reporting questions, please contact our holder services team at WAUCPHolders@dor.wa.gov or by phone at (360) 534-1502.
This video series provides an overview of the Unclaimed Property holder reporting process:
Chapter 1: Introduction (03:43)
Chapter 2: Identifying and Aging Unclaimed Property (07:30)
Chapter 3: Rules of Jurisdiction and Reciprocity (02:29)
Chapter 4: Due Diligence (02:05)
Chapter 5: Due Dates and Penalties (01:12)
Chapter 6: Financial Institutions - Common Property Types (09:17)
Chapter 7: Financial Institutions - Dormant Charges and Fees (04:41)