Combined Excise Tax Return: Totals

Total All Tax Due from Page 1

Add all tax due amounts from page 1 and write that amount on this line. This includes totals for Business and Occupation (B&O).

Total All Tax Due from Page 2

Add all tax due amounts from page 2 and write that amount on this line. This includes totals for State Sales and Use tax, Local Sales and Use tax, and Other Taxes.

Total All Addendums

If you have an addendum (for example, a Local Sales and Use Tax Addendum or a Public Utility Tax Addendum) write the total tax due for all addendums on this line.


Add your Total All Tax Due from page 1, Total All Tax Due from page 2, and Total All Addendums. Write that number for this section.


Write the Total Credit amount from the Credits section on page 2.

Subtotal (Minus Credits)

Subtract your Credit entry from your previous Subtotal. Write that total on this line.


If you file this tax return after the due date, see penalty rates above the signature line on page 1 of the tax return to find the penalty rate. Multiply the penalty rate by the subtotal (minus credits). Write that amount on this line. There is no penalty if no tax is due.

If you are filing late and are requesting a waiver of penalty, please check the box at the bottom of page 1 and attach a written request. The written request must explain the circumstances that caused your tax return to be filed late. We may waive penalties or interest if the return was late because of circumstances beyond your control.

Total Amount Owed

Add your subtotal (minus credits), interest, and penalty (if applicable). This is the amount you owe. Write that number on this line.

Finishing Your Tax Return

To help us process your tax return, please:

  1. Write your Account ID/UBI number on:
    • The top of your tax return.
    • The deduction detail sheet.
    • All addendums.
    • Your check.
  2. Make sure the gross amounts reported were earned during the reporting period you are filing for.
  3. Attach the Deduction Detail page and any credit schedules to your return (if applicable).
  4. Sign and date the return.
  5. Write a daytime phone number, including area code.
  6. Make a copy of the return for your files.
  7. Make check payable to: Washington State Department of Revenue.
  8. Do not staple your check to your return. Do not mail cash or coins.
  9. Mail the original return and payment, if due, in the self-addressed envelope that was sent with your return. If you did not receive a self-addressed envelope, mail the return to the address listed at the top of page 1.


Need help?

Call 360-705-6705 for help completing your tax return.

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