Motor/Urban Transportation Database Conversion Service

This free service allows businesses to submit their motor and urban transportation database and receive the correct transportation type. Follow the instructions below to send us your motor and urban transportation database.

What we’ll send you

The results should be available within two business days. You will receive an email when the results are ready. The following files will be returned:

  • The results file will contain the original data with results for each record. The transportation tax type will be listed if found.
  • To make it easier for you to identify addresses that could not be found, an error file will be created that contains only those records where a transportation tax type could not be found. An explanation of why will be included.

The links and files will remain available until the last day of the current quarter.

File Format Requirements

  • File must be in a XLSX (Office 2007 or newer), comma or tab delimited text format.
  • Two locations per record - Origin and destination
  • Do not include column headers containing field names in the file.
  • All records must have the same number of fields.
  • Only the following fields will be accepted in the following order:
Field Name Description Format Length
Record No or Customer Name Field used to correlate the results back to your database. alpha/numeric n/a
Origin Latitude Latitude Coordinate numeric n/a
Origin Longitude Longitude Coordinate numeric n/a
Origin Address Number, street name, direction (Suite, Apt., Lot are not required) alpha/numeric n/a
Origin City Name of city alpha n/a
Origin Zip Code and +4 5, 9, or 10 digits (i.c. 98513, 98513-2452, 985132452) numeric/character 10
Destination Latitude Latitude Coordinate numeric n/a
Destination Longitude Longitude Coordinate numeric n/a
Destination Address Number, street name, direction (Suite, Apt., Lot are not required) alpha/numeric n/a
Destination City Name of city alpha n/a
Destination Zip Code and +4 5, 9, or 10 digits (i.c. 98513, 98513-2452, 985132452) numeric/character 10
Cost Cost Tracking Field numeric 10

Examples of acceptable file formats:

Tab-delimited file
Comma-delimited file
XLSX file
XLSX template download file (XLT)

How to save your database in the correct format before submitting

Comma delimited:

  • Click FILE
  • Choose SAVE AS
  • In the SAVE AS TYPE drop-down box, select CSV (*.csv)
  • Click the SAVE button

Tab delimited:

  • Click FILE
  • Choose SAVE AS
  • In the SAVE AS TYPE drop-down box, select Text (*.txt)
  • Click the SAVE button

Examples of results and error files

Results file

Error file

Are you ready to submit your database?

Yes, I'm ready to submit my database.


Contact David Wright at (360) 596-3650, Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PST.