
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Pre-Consultation Visit Questionnaire

2. Do you receive miscellaneous income (i.e., commission, interest, royalties, rents)?
3. Do you bill customers for freight or shipping charges?
4. Do you separately bill customers for reimbursement of expenses?
5. Do you exchange goods or services for other goods or services?
6. Do you collect retail sales tax?
6a. Have you remitted all retail sales tax collected?
7. Have you sold business assets (i.e., equipment, furniture, fixtures)?
8. Do you offer cash and trade discounts or other allowances?
9. Do you make sales or provide services to customers outside Washington?

10. Do you make in-state sales or provide services to:

10a. Non-residents?
10b. Native Americans?
10c. Government agencies?
11. Do you have uncollectible sales/bad debts?

12. Do you issue or accept exemption certificates for:

12a. Resale (Reseller Permit)?
12b. Manufacturer’s Machinery & Equipment?
12c. Tax Deferrals?
13. Have you ever requested a written opinion or ruling from the department?
Upload requirements
14. Are you currently working with another division within the department?
15. Are there other specific issues or questions you would like to discuss during the consultation visit?