To monitor pollutants discharge of every new or existing fresh fruit packing facility which receives, packs, stores, and/or ships either hard or soft fruit and discharges wastewater, including non-contact cooling water.
To monitor pollutants discharge of every new or existing fresh fruit packing facility which receives, packs, stores, and/or ships either hard or soft fruit and discharges wastewater, including non-contact cooling water.
Submit signed form (electronic or paper) to Ecology. Applicant must certify that it has met SEPA (new facilities) and public notice requirements.
60 days (per ORIA website as noted in WAC 173-226-200).
Annual Discharge Permit Fees are identified in WAC 173-224 (amended every two years).
Valid until the expiration date, a maximum of five years.
The permit authorizes industrial stormwater discharges to waters of the state.
Submit online application form or signed paper form. For new facilities, applicant must certify that it has met SEPA and public notice requirements.
60 days (as noted in WAC 173-226-200).
Annual Discharge Permit Fees are identified in WAC 173-224 (amended every two years).
Valid until the expiration date, a maximum of five years. The permittee must reapply for coverage under this general permit at least one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the specified expiration date of this general permit. As long as a facility submits a renewal application in a timely manner, an expired permit remains in effect until Ecology reissues permit.
To regulate the burning of flood and storm debris in areas where burning is not generally allowed (for example, urban growth areas). Any business planning to burn natural vegetation that is directly related to a declared storm or flood. The declaration is issued by a government entity.
Submitted to Ecology by mail, fax, or electronically.
Approximately seven days (per application).
Valid for six months or less.
To allow construction of a barrier across a stream, channel, or water course that will retain a portion of the runoff for a beneficial use.
The application, fee, and supporting engineering documentation should be sent to:
The Department of Ecology Cashiering Unit
PO Box 47611
Olympia WA 98504-7611
Varies depending on project complexity (as noted on ORIA website).
Statutory examination fee: $50.00
This fee must accompany all applications for a reservoir permit. This basic fee applies to applications involving the storage of up to 1,000 acre-feet of water.
For larger impoundments, additional examination fees are required and will be requested.
Reservoir Permits are issued for the life of the project, subject to extensions during the construction phase.
To control the discharge of pollutants from upland hatcheries into state waters.
Submit signed form (electronic or paper). Applicant must certify that it has met SEPA (new facilities) and public notice requirements.
60 days (as noted in WAC 173-226-200).
Annual Discharge Permit Fees are identified in WAC 173-224 (amended every five years).
Valid until expiration date, a maximum of five years.
To ensure operators have the knowledge and experience to operator a wastewater treatment plant.
Submit completed application and fee to Ecology's fiscal office.
No average. Certification is issued when applicant passes the exam.
Annual Certification Fees are described in WAC 173-230 (amended every two years).
Every year by Dec. 31.
To legally authorize use of a defined quantity of public water for a designated purpose. Any commercial or industrial use in excess of 5,000 gallons per day groundwater; any quantity surface water
Send the application, fee, and supporting documentation to:
The Department of Ecology Cashiering Unit
PO Box 47611
Olympia WA 98504-7611
Varies depending on project complexity and order received (as noted in WAC 173-152-030).
Minimum: $50
Cubic foot per second (cfs): $1/.01
Per acre-foot of storage for new water-storage projects: $2
Maximum fee to appropriate or store water: $25,000
Water Rights are property rights issued in perpetuity, subject to requirements of diligence and beneficial use.