Here's a list of Washington agencies that businesses may need to work with. Visit for a list of Washington State agencies, their services, and Small Business Liaison Team (SBLT) members ready to help you with your questions.
Agency | Services |
Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance (ORIA) |
Services Assistance with local, state, and federal business licensing regulations and environmental permitting. |
Agency Dept. of Labor and Industries (L&I) | Services Regulate Workers Compensation; employment standards and policies; workplace safety and health, and Contractor registration and regulation. |
Agency Employment Security Dept. | Services Regulate Unemployment Insurance, Paid Family Medical Leave, Labor Market Information, and Work-Source program. |
Agency Secretary of State Corporations & Charities | Services Register and renew Corporate & LLC Business Entities, Charitable Organizations, Trademarks, and Domestic Partnerships. |
Agency Dept. of Licensing | Services Professional licenses such as Cosmetology, Real Estate, Engineers, Notaries, and Tattoos. Issues Dealer tabs and plates for businesses, For Hire and Transporter |
Agency Liquor and Cannabis Board | Services Regulate licensing and permitting services for Liquor, Cannabis, Tobacco, and Vapor products. |