Motor vehicle sales/rentals information

Please use the following information to help you determine the location code and tax rate for your transaction while the Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental feature of our Tax Rate Lookup Tool is down:

If you're not sure which jurisdiction your location falls into, use the Tax Rate Lookup Tool's address search.

Vehicle sales, leases, and transfers

Add .03% for the Motor Vehicle Sales/Use Tax to all vehicle sales, leases, and transfers. Special location codes and rates apply in the following counties:

Vehicle rentals (less than 30 days)

Rental Car Tax is in addition to the retail sales tax. The rental car tax rates are:

State rental car tax rate .059
County rental car tax rate .01 (Franklin, Pierce, King and Spokane Counties)
.02 (King County Stadium Tax)
Regional Transit Authority (RTA) tax .008 (King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties)

If you're still having trouble determining the correct tax rate, call our Telephone Information Center at 360-705-6705. Our tax specialists are available Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except closed Wed 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.).