Data-sharing agreements

In the course of collecting revenue and administering public services, we collect information about individuals, taxpayers, and organizations. Some of the information is public. Most of the information is confidential.

Information that identifies an individual, and other data and records held and collected for licensing, tax, and unclaimed property functions, is protected by the Department of Revenue in accordance with state and federal laws. Those laws allow us to disclose certain confidential information if the request meets specific requirements.

How to request confidential information

  1. Complete a request form.
  2. You will receive an email notification as soon as we receive your request.
  3. We will review your request to determine if we are legally allowed to disclose the information.
  4. If we approve your request, we will send you a data-sharing agreement. Normally, an agreement is executed within 30 business days. Agreements are legally binding and spell out the conditions for using the data and the penalties for disclosing it, whether intentional or unintentional. [RCW 19.02.115(6); RCW 82.32.330(6); RCW 84.08.210(4)]

Who may be eligible

  • Local, state, or federal public officials.
  • Local, state, federal, or Canadian agencies, for official purposes.
  • Financial institutions, escrow companies, or title companies, in connection with specific real property that is the subject of a real estate transaction.

Where to find publicly-available data

You do not need a data-sharing agreement to receive publicly-available tax and licensing information. You can find it on the:

Public Records

You may submit a public records request if you are seeking aggregated information about groups of industries that does not identify individual taxpayers or business licensees.

To submit a public records request, please email For more information visit the public records page of our website.


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