
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Part 1: Voted regular levies, the levy limit, levy lid lifts, and general obligation bonds for port districts

Voted regular levies

Voted regular levies run for a length of time set by statute. That time varies from one year to ten years or more. When the initial levy term expires, voter approval is required to renew the levy.

Most voted regular levies are subject to at least one statutory limitation.

Ballot measure content for voted regular levies

Requirements for voted regular levy ballot titles are specific to the type of taxing district.

For the following taxing districts: Type of levy Ballot measure must contain:
  • Park & recreation (RCW 36.69.145).
  • Cultural arts, stadium and convention (RCW 67.38.130).
  • Emergency medical care and service levies (RCW 84.52.069) by:
    • A county.
    • Emergency medical service (EMS) district.
    • City or town.
    • Public hospital district.
    • Urban emergency medical service district.
    • Regional fire protection service authority.
    • Fire protection district.
  • Criminal justice purposes for a county with a population of ninety thousand or less (RCW 84.52.135).


  • Identification of the enacting legislative body.
  • The maximum rate (or less) per thousand dollars of assessed value.
  • The maximum number of consecutive years allowable.
  • A question asking if the ballot measure should be approved.

RCW 29A.36.210[1]


Emergency medical care and service levies (RCW 84.52.069) by:

  • A county.
  • Emergency medical service (EMS) district.
  • City or town.
  • Public hospital district.
  • Urban emergency medical service district.
  • Regional fire protection service authority.
  • Fire protection district.

Regular Permanent EMS

  • Identification of the enacting legislative body.
  • Language that the levy request is a permanent regular property tax levy.
  • The maximum rate (or less) per thousand dollars of assessed value.
  • A question asking if the ballot measure should be approved.

RCW 29A.36.210[2]


  • Identification of the enacting legislative body.
  • Statement of the subject matter, not to exceed 10 words.
  • Concise description of the measure, not to exceed 75 words.
  • A question asking if the ballot measure should be approved.

RCW 29A.36.071, 29A.72.050

Cultural Access Program (ESHB 2263) by:

  • County.
  • Group of contiguous counties.
  • City, if the county forfeits its option to create the program by June 30, 2017.
  • Dollar amount of the first levy.
  • Estimated levy rate.
  • Length of levy period.
  • Regional Transit Authority (2ESSB 5987).
  • District must include a county with a population of 1.5 million or more.
Regular No requirements