Draft Tax Advisories (ETAs & PTAs)

See below for draft tax advisories


Draft ETA XXXX - Taxability of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Brief Description

The purpose of this ETA is to address the taxability of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs.

Draft ETA

Draft ETA XXXX - Taxability of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Planned Stakeholder Meetings

Public Listening Session

October 20, 2022, at 10 AM

Public Comment Period 

The Department requests comments and stakeholder feedback related to this Draft ETA no later than December 30, 2022. After a review of the feedback, if any, the Department will consider the appropriate next steps in the process.

General Questions and/or How to Make a Public Comment

If you wish to make a public comment or have general questions about this ETA, contact Nikki Bizzarri at NikkiB@dor.wa.gov. Any written comments received will be retained as part of the official Tax Advisory File.