
My DOR and other online services will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. PST Friday, January 17, 2025, to 8 a.m. PST Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

General public

Use tax return

File a Consumer Use Tax Return in My DOR

Use this return to report and pay use tax on items you purchased without paying Washington sales tax. Do NOT use this return if you need to report use tax for:

  • A business. You must report use tax for business‐related purchases on the business’ combined excise tax return.
  • An automobile, vessel, or airplane. You must contact your local Revenue office or vehicle licensing office to report use tax on these items.
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Enter your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, within the Consumers section, click the File a Consumer Use Tax Return link.
  4. On the Select a Use Tax Account page, click Create a new account.
    If you have previously created a Use Tax account, click Select an existing account, enter the Use Tax Account ID and skip to step 8. Click Next.
  5. On the Purchaser’s Information page, enter the required information in the appropriate fields, then click Next.
  6. On the Mailing Address page, enter your mailing address information, then click Verify.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Purchase Information page, enter a description of the purchase and the item value in the appropriate fields. If you need additional rows, click the Add an item link in the upper right corner of the table.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Purchase Summary page, review the purchase, then click Next.
  11. On the Select Payment Type page, select a payment type and follow the prompts. More information on payment options.
  • Bank Account (ACH Debit) will deduct the payment from the bank account you select on the next page.
  • Credit or Debit Card will charge the card you provide on the next page. A 3.25% processing fee is charged by a third party vendor for this service. Enter your email address. Click the Enter Card Information button to be redirected to a third party vendor to complete the transaction.
  • Mail a Check will allow you to submit the return and pay by check. Click the Print Voucher button on the Confirmation page, print the voucher, and mail the voucher with your check.
  1. On the Summary page, review the information, then click Submit.
  2. On the Confirmation page, you can print your confirmation number by clicking Printable View. When you are done, close the browser tab and click OK.

Other services

How to file to claim money or property

Search for unclaimed property.

Submit an unclaimed property report.

Hire domestic (household) employees
  1. ​On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and then, click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, in the Business Licensing section, click Hire domestic (household) employees.
  4. Select your ownership structure, enter your Unified Business Identifier (UBI) if you already have one, and the Federal Employer Identification number (FEIN) for the business if you have it. You will need a (FEIN) to withhold taxes for any employees.
  • If you selected Estate, click Next and continue to the Owners & Officers section.
  • If you selected Sole Proprietorship, click Next and continue to the Sole Proprietor Information section.
  • If you selected Trust, click Next and continue to the Owners & Officers section.

Owners & Officers

  1. Click +Add an owner or officer to enter information about owners, officers, or partners
  2. Select whether the owner or officer is an Individual or Business:
    • If the owner is an Individual, enter the Percent Owned, Last Name, First Name and either the Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), and Telephone Number, and whether they are married, and spouse first and last name (if applicable). Then click Add.
    • If the owner is a Business, enter the Percent Owned, Business Name, and either the FEIN or UBI/CID, and Telephone Number. Then click Add.
  3. Click Next to continue to the Names section.


  1. Enter the Name.
  2. Click Next to continue to the Location Address section.

Sole proprietor information

  1. Enter the Last Name and First Name of the sole proprietor (required).
  2. Enter Date of Birth. The quickest way is to key in the date using either the DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY format. You can also select the date from the calendar.
  3. Enter the Phone Number including area code and Email address.
  4. Select the identification number type and enter the number. As a sole proprietorship, you can use either the IRS Tax Identification number (ITIN) or Social Security number (SSN). This is required when the business is hiring employees.
  5. Click Next to continue.


Spouse information

If the owner has a spouse:

  1. Select Yes.
  2. Enter the Last name, First name, and Date of Birth of the owner’s spouse.
  3. Select the identification number type of the owner’s spouse and enter the number.
  4. Click Next to continue.

If the owner does NOT have a spouse:

  1. Select No.
  2. Click Next to continue.


Location address

  1. Enter the address of the location where the employees will work. You must select the Verify Address button to confirm the address.
  2. Click Next to continue.


Mailing address

  1. Answer whether the mailing address is the same as the physical location where the employees will work.
  • If Yes, the mailing address will auto-populate.
  • If No, enter the employer mailing address. You must select the Verify Address button to confirm the address.
  1. Click Next to continue.



Be prepared to enter the following information:

  1. Answer whether the payroll for the household employees will exceed $1000 per calendar quarter.
  2. Determine whether you want to add optional insurance coverage of these employees. If yes, then complete the Application for Coverage of Excluded Employees (Form F213-112-000) and submit to the Dept. of Labor & Industries.
  3. Enter the first date of employment (or estimate if unknown) for the first employee. The quickest way is to key in the date using either the DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY format. You can also select the date from the calendar.
  4. Enter the date that the first wages to an employee will be paid. The quickest way is to key in the date using either the DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY format.
  5. Enter the number of employees that you plan to hire.
  6. Enter the estimated number of hours that all employees will work in a three-month period. You can multiply the number of employees by 480 hours to get the total estimated hours for employees working 40 hours per week.
  7. Describe the primary job responsibilities and duties of the employees.
  8. Click Next to continue.


Review and pay

  1. Review your total fees, and click Next. If you need to make any changes, you can use the navigation bar at the left to access each section and page of the online application.
  2. Select the payment type you wish to use and follow the prompts. More information on payment options.
    • Bank Account (ACH Debit) will deduct the payment from the bank account you select on the next page.
    • Credit or Debit Card will charge the card you provide on the next page. A 3.25% processing fee is charged by a third party vendor for this service. Enter your email address. Click the Enter Card Information button to be redirected to a third party vendor to complete the transaction.
  3. Fill in all required fields and click Next.
  4. Review the information on the Summary page. Click the Submit button.
  5. On the Confirmation page, you can print your confirmation number by clicking the Print Confirmation button.
  6. Click the OK button.


Check appraiser accreditation status

For assistance with Appraiser Accreditation Service, contact the Property Tax Division at

  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Check appraiser accreditation status in the Property Tax section.
  4. Enter the Accreditation Number and Accreditation Access Code, then click Next.