
My DOR and other online services will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. PST Friday, January 17, 2025, to 8 a.m. PST Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Update my business information

You can update your business account’s contact information, mailing address, new business location address, or change in business activities one of the following ways:

You may need to file a new Business License Application to change the physical address of a business. If you will be changing locations to a city partnered with Department of Revenue, you will need to submit a Business License Application. Please call Business Licensing Service at 360-705-6741 to have a customer service specialist review your account and determine if you need to file a new Business License Application.

When you update your account, the information you provide will be shared, if applicable, with the following Washington State programs:

  • Business Licensing (Business Licensing Service)
  • Unemployment Insurance Account (Employment Security)
  • Workers Compensation Insurance Account (Labor & Industries)