My DOR and other online services will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. PST Friday, January 17, 2025, to 8 a.m. PST Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
My DOR and other online services will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. PST Friday, January 17, 2025, to 8 a.m. PST Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
What is a Business License Application?
What is a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number?
How can I submit a Business License Application?
How long will it take to fill out the Business License Application?
How long will it take to process my application?
How much does it cost to file a Business License Application?
What will happen after I file the Business License Application?
How can I add endorsements to my business license?
Do I need a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)?
How do I change corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership names?
Can I request a business record search about other businesses?
Do I have to renew my Business License?
How do I know if my business license needs to be renewed?
Where can I go to renew my business license?
How early can I file a renewal?
Why is my renewal not renewing for a full 12 months?
Do owners qualify for or need unemployment or industrial insurance?
When will I get my tax reporting forms?
How often will I need to complete tax reports?
The Business License Application (BLA) is a simplified application used to apply for many state and city endorsements, registrations, and permits. You may use it to:
A UBI number is a nine-digit number that registers you with several state agencies and allows you to do business in Washington State. A UBI number is sometimes called a tax registration number, a business registration number, or a business license number. Use the Business License Application to apply for a UBI number.
As soon as the UBI is issued, you may begin using it for business purposes. Some business licenses require that you have the license posted before you can officially open your business to the public.
You need a license if you meet one or more of the following criteria:
To find more about products or services that are taxable, see the Business tax guide, or call 360-705-6705.
There are two ways to file the Business License Application and supplemental forms:
By mail
Complete the Business License Application and supplemental forms and mail to:
Business Licensing Service
P.O. Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034
It takes approximately 15–30 minutes to complete an application.
The business license application will take approximately 10 business days to process. If you have city or state endorsements, it may take an additional 2-3 weeks to receive your business license due to approval time.
The application fee for a Business License Application varies; see instructions on how to determine your processing fee.
There are also additional fees associated with the various endorsements, registrations, or permits you may need for your business.
You will receive a Unified Business Identifier (UBI), Business License, and the Department of Revenue will send you information about handling sales tax and business and occupation taxes.
If you indicate on the Business License Application that you plan to hire employees, the Department of Labor & Industries and the Employment Security Department will send you information about employee quarterly report forms.
To learn more about tax reporting in Washington, sign up for a Business Tax Basics workshop or watch the video.
Yes, although there are over 400 state and city endorsements that can be applied for by using the Business License Application, your business may have additional local, state, or federal licensing requirements. The Business Licensing Wizard will provide you with information to identify any additional requirements.
To add endorsements, submit a Business License Application and any required supplemental forms and fees.
Learn how to:
Get a business license
Add a city endorsement to your business
Add a state endorsement to your business
Sole proprietors who aren’t employers usually don’t have to apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). However, all other business types must apply for this registration whether they have employees or not. For more information about who needs an EIN or how to apply, visit the Internal Revenue Service.
To make any changes to the legal entity name for your corporation, LLC, or LLP, you must contact the Washington Secretary of State at 360-725-0377.
If you need to update your firm name and it's the same as your legal entity name, contact Business Licensing Service at
Yes, we can also provide information about corporations or individuals conducting business under a trade name, or verify the existence of a business.
To look up business information online, go to:
Tax account: use this search to show information related to the registered tax account. This name may not be the same as the trade name the business is operating under, and not all businesses will have a tax account.
Reseller permit: use this search to verify the business name on a reseller permit, if it is active, and the effective dates.
General business license: use this search to find information about the Department of Revenue business license. This may not be the same name that is used for a tax account.
If your business requires a state or city endorsement available through the Business Licensing Service, you will need to renew your license annually. The expiration date is determined when you apply, and will be printed on the top right hand side of your Business License under the Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number.
Business Licensing Service sends a courtesy renewal reminder one month before your license expires. If you don’t receive a renewal reminder, please contact the Business Licensing Service at 360-705-6741.
For licenses not handled through the Business Licensing Service, contact the regulatory agency listed on your license or permit.
Business licenses with state or city endorsements are renewed annually. If any of these endorsements appear on your Business License, an expiration date will be printed in the upper right-hand corner. If you have multiple endorsements, it is possible that there are multiple expiration dates, and those dates will be printed next to the endorsement they refer to.
Renewals are due before the expiration date printed on your Business License.
To renew online:
Renew a business license
To file by mail:
Call 360-705-6705 to have a paper copy of your renewal form, with the itemized fees for your accounts, mailed to the mailing address on file.
Courtesy reminders for renewals are sent one month before the expiration date. Regardless of whether this notice is received your renewal is due by the expiration date printed on the license. Penalty fees will be charged if not completed by the expiration date.
You are eligible to renew your Business License up to two months before the expiration date printed on your license.
Renewals are due by the expiration date. Renewals received after the expiration date are charged a late penalty fee.
Renewals will prorate to an existing expiration date in the following situations:
For more information contact the Department of Labor & Industries and the Employment Security Department.
You should receive your tax forms from the Department of Revenue, Department of Labor & Industries, and the Employment Security Department at the end of the first quarter in which you start reporting. You will need to file personal property taxes with your county assessor. Contact your local assessor for instructions.
New accounts generally need to report every quarter; however, you may change your reporting frequency to monthly or annually. You will be notified of any changes and sent the appropriate tax returns for filing. Personal property listings must be filed with your county assessor's office by April 30 of each year.