My DOR and other online services will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. PST Friday, January 17, 2025, to 8 a.m. PST Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
My DOR and other online services will be down for maintenance from 5 p.m. PST Friday, January 17, 2025, to 8 a.m. PST Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
To certify a licensed health care provider and facility to order and administer yellow fever vaccine.
Complete the Yellow Fever Vaccine Provider Application and submit by mail, email, or fax to Department of Health.
Varies; up to eight weeks. Applications are currently not being accepted due to the yellow fever vaccine shortage.
N/A. Applicant must cover cost of the certification stamp.
Initial license is valid for three years.
License is to be renewed every three years, on or before the due date, which is 30 days prior to the expiration date.
A Harvest Site Certificate is required for any company harvesting shellfish, and is a part of the annual license. All areas harvested by commercial companies must be approved by our office. DOH requires documentation that shows the company has a legal right to harvest the area. When a site is approved, it is listed on that company's Harvest Site Certificate.
Mail completed application to Department of Health.
Varies from one week to one year, depending on the complexity of the project (per ORA website).
The license is valid for one year.
To license agencies that provide in-home Services to ill, disabled or vulnerable individuals. An in-home services agency may provide non-medical home care services, skilled nursing home health service, end-of-life hospice services or hospice care center services. Licensees must select one, or a combination of all of the above service categories and meet the specific requirements in rule.
Mail the completed application with initial documentation and check or money order to:
Department of Health
PO Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
Send other documents not sent with initial application to:
Hospital Credentialing
PO Box 47877
Olympia, WA 98504-7877
Timelines vary based on fulfillment of requirements.
Fees vary and can be found in WAC 246-335-990.
The initial license is valid for one year from date of issuance. This license is to be renewed every two years following the first renewal by the due date which is 30 days prior to the expiration date.
Allows operation of a large on-site sewage system (LOSS). Provides DOH with information on the flow and strength of the sewage, materials that may enter the waste stream, characteristics of the treated effluent, and site characteristics of the drain field location. Assures that maintenance activities occur. Applies to any business or development served by a LOSS--with peak flows between 3,500 and 100,000 gallons of sewage per day.
The application may be part of the project process and isn't accepted until the plans & specs are approved. Annual renewals are initiated when DOH sends a completed application to applicant and requests changes, fees, and annual maintenance report, etc.
The operating permit renewal is sent within 30 days of receiving all required information, unless DOH contacts the permittee for other information or clarification necessary to prepare permit conditions. For an initial permit, DOH sends a draft to the owner for comment within 30 days of receiving the application and fee. DOH may be revise or issue as-is after the owner's 30 day comment period. Initial permits for LOSS with peak flows over 14,500 must also go through a 30 day public comment period after owner's comments are received.
Annual permit: Base fee of $608 base, plus flow-fee of $0.0405 per gpd of permitted peak daily flow.
The LOSS operating permit is valid for one year.
To allow commercial harvesting and/or processing of shellfish. Applies to any person who possesses commercial quantities of shellfish for sale for human consumption.
Mail application, plan of operations, and fee (tribes do not submit a fee).
Varies from one week to one year, depending on the complexity of the project (per ORA website).
Depends on the type of operation. Fees can be found in WAC 246-282-990.
The license is valid for one year.
To allow a business, which provides three or more lodging units, to offer accommodation services to the public for periods of less than thirty days.
Mail the completed application with fees (check or money order) to:
Department of Health
Revenue Section
PO Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
Timelines vary based on fulfillment of requirements.
The initial license is valid for one year from date of issuance. This license is to be renewed annually on or before the expiration date.
To allow a business to offer x-ray services.
Submit online through Department of Revenue
Department of Health approves the endorsement. Department of Revenue issues the license. Time between application and approval is usually less than five business days.
Varies depending on the facility type, tube type, and number
Yearly online renewal. Customers informed of renewal 30 days prior to renewal date by DOR.
The license is available through Business Licensing Service.