Chelan city endorsement

Requirements and fees

General business license

The city of Chelan requires a license for all businesses located within city limits, or conducting business within city limits. If you are not sure if you will do business within the city limits, contact the city directly before you apply.

License fee is determine by number of employees who work within the city limits of Chelan.

Method for calculating employees

Per individual person count, including owners. The minimum number of employees is one.

Origination fee:

Total Number of Employees

License Fee

1 through 3


4 through 26

$50 (flat fee for first 3 employees) + $15 per employee

27 or more



Renewal fee:

Total Number of Employees

License Fee

1 through 3


4 through 26

$50 (flat fee for first 3 employees) + $15 per employee

27 or more


Home businesses

If your business is in a residence within the city, you must comply with Chelan Municipal Code 17.56.060. No person other than members of the immediate family and in no case more than two persons of the immediate family residing in a dwelling are to be engaged in said home occupation. For more information on home occupation requirements, contact the city directly. 
Along with the Business License Application, the City of Chelan has additional requirements for Home Occupation Businesses, contact the city planning department for more information.

Origination fee: $50

Renewal fee: $50

Non-resident businesses

If your business is operating within city limits, your license fee is determined by the gross annual income you earn within this city’s limits and number of employees.

Method for calculating employees

Per individual person count, including owners. The minimum number of employees is one.

Origination fee:

Reported gross annual income

License fee

$0 through $2,000


Above $2,000

1 through 3 employees - $50
4 through 26 employees - $50 (flat fee for first 3 employees) + $15 per employee
27 or more employees - $410

Renewal fee:

Reported gross annual income

License fee

$0 through $2,000


Above $2,000

1 through 3 employees - $50
4 through 26 employees - $50 (flat fee for first 3 employees) + $15 per employee
27 or more employees - $410

Rental businesses

City of Chelan short-term rentals mean residential units, or portions of residential dwelling units, that are rented out on a nightly basis for not more than thirty days to individual guests.

They are commonly referred to as “vacation rentals.” They are a form of tourist or transient accommodations. Short-term rental units may be whole house rentals, apartments, condominiums, or individual rooms in homes.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of this chapter, the terms “overnight rental,” “nightly rental,” and “vacation rental” are interchangeable with “short-term rentals.” Subleasing or subletting of units for short-term rental is prohibited if the underlying zone prohibits such use. For more information, see Chelan Municipal Code 5.15

Origination fee: $50

Renewal fee: $50

Businesses exempt from city licensing

Your business may be exempt from getting a city business license. For more information, please contact the city directly.

Average approval time

City approval time not available. Contact the city directly for more information.

Apply for a city license

Additional fee Fee
State tax registration $0
Registering your business name as a trade name $5
Business license application fee Variable


Need help?
Setting up your business licensing and tax account
How to add a city license endorsement

By mail

Complete the Business License Application and City and County Addendum (Form 700 060/028) and send to the following address for processing:

Business Licensing Service
P.O. Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034