Richland city endorsement

Requirements and fees

General business license

The city of Richland requires a license for all businesses located within city limits, or conducting business within city limits. Submitting an application for a City of Richland business license certifies you have read and will comply with Richland Municipal Codes 5, 23.42 and any additional applicable RMCs.

If you are not sure if you will do business within the city limits, contact the city directly before you apply.

Note: If you are no longer doing business in Richland, please cancel your city of Richland endorsement. The city of Richland endorsements are not transferrable to other cities and, if renewed in error, the city will not issue refunds.

License fee is determined by number of employees (FTEs) who work within the city limits of Richland.

Method for calculating FTEs

Estimate the number of employees that will be working at the business location on the last day of each of the coming 12 months, add the monthly totals, divide by 12, and drop fractions. This includes full-time, part-time, temporary employees, self-employed persons, sole proprietors, owners, managers, and partners. When applying online, enter the total number of calculated employees and the system will subtract two.

Origination fee:

License fee $40
Employee fee $12 per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee
There is no fee for the first two employees.
Rental fee $2 per unit

Renewal fee:

License fee $40
Employee fee $12 per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee
There is no fee for the first two employees.
Rental fee $2 per unit

Rental unit information

Fees may be charged on properties available for rent within Richland: counted as a total of any combination of individual apartments, houses, commercial or retail rental units, or mobile homes, regardless if vacant or rented. Landlords that offer fewer than three rental units are fully exempt from the Richland rental unit licensing requirement. Landlords that offer three or more rental units in the city limits are considered in the property rental business and must hold a rental property business endorsement. The landlord registers the business office location and reports the total of all rental units offered city-wide under that one location record.

Exception: Properties that have three or more units on a single premise must be registered as a separate business location, and the total units of that one property counted for that one location’s licensing fees (and not included in the one, city-wide rental unit count or location).

Nonprofit business license

If you are a nonprofit business, you may be exempt from city fees*. To qualify you must submit a copy of your business’ IRS 501(c) 3, 4 or 5 certificate with your application.

* If the business has more than 20 employees at a location account, then all General Business Licensing fees apply, including the $40 license fee, $12 per employee fee, the $2 per rental unit fee, and the Richland city late renewal fee ($20 or 10% of total city license fees, whichever is greater). Note: The employee count is established after the ‘two free employees’ have been deducted from the gross total.

Origination fee: $0

Renewal fee: $0

Home business

If your business is located at a residence within the city, you must comply with Richland Municipal Code 23.42.090. For more information regarding home occupation requirements, contact the city directly.

Submitting an application for a city of Richland Home Occupation Business License certifies you have read and agree to comply with the home occupation requirements located in RMC 23.42.090, Section C.

Non-resident businesses

If your business is physically located outside city limits, but conducts business within city limits, your license fee is determined by gross annual income earned within this city’s limits and number of employees.

Method for calculating FTEs

Estimate the number of employees that will be working at the business location on the last day of each of the coming 12 months, add the monthly totals, divide by 12, and drop fractions. This includes full-time, part-time, temporary employees, self-employed persons, sole proprietors, owners, managers, and partners. When applying online, enter the total number of calculated employees and the system will subtract two.

Origination fee:

Reported gross annual income License fee
   $0 through $2,000  No license required
   Above $2,000  $40 + $12 employee fee

Renewal fee:

Reported gross annual income License fee
   $0 through $2,000 No license required
   Above $2,000 $40 + $12 employee fee
Vehicle Based Food Service (Mobile Food Vendors)

If your business involves a vehicle based food service, you must comply with Richland Municipal Code 23.42.325. Once applications have been submitted through the Department of Revenue, applicants are required to complete our Mobile Food Vendor Addendum, please visit to complete the required addendum. For more information on vehicle based food service requirements, contact the city directly.

Submitting an application or a City of Richland Vehicle Based Food Service certifies you have read and agree to comply with the Vehicle Based Food Service Requirements located in RMC 23.42.325.

Businesses exempt from city licensing

Your business may be exempt from getting a city business license. For more information, please contact the city directly.

Average approval time

City approval time not available. Contact the city directly for more information.

Apply for a city license

Additional fee Fee
State tax registration $0
Registering your business name as a trade name $5
Business license application fee Variable


Need help?
Setting up your business licensing and tax account
How to add a city license endorsement

By mail

Complete the Business License Application and City and County Addendum (Form 700 060/028) and send to the following address for processing:

Business Licensing Service
P.O. Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034