Snoqualmie city endorsement

Requirements and fees

General business license

The city of Snoqualmie requires a license for all businesses located within city limits, or conducting business within city limits. If you are not sure if you will do business within the city limits, contact the city directly before you apply.

License fee is determined by number of employees who work within the city limits of Snoqualmie.

Employee definition: ​Any person who performs work, labor, or services for a business and is on the business payroll. The term “employee” also includes all full-time, part-time, and temporary employees or workers on the business payroll and self-employed persons, sole proprietors, owners, managers, partners, any family members working at the business, and any officers, agents, or personal representatives acting in a fiduciary capacity. 

Origination fee:

Total Number of Employees

License fee

0 through 2


3 through 10


11 through 25


26 through 50


51 or more


Renewal fee:

Total Number of Employees

License fee

0 through 2


3 through 10


11 through 25


26 through 50


51 or more

Home businesses

If your business is in a residence within the city, you must comply with Snoqualmie Municipal Code 17.55.100. For more information on home occupation requirements, contact the city directly.

License fee is determined by number of employees who work within the city limits of Snoqualmie.

Employee definition: ​Any person who performs work, labor, or services for a business and is on the business payroll. The term “employee” also includes all full-time, part-time, and temporary employees or workers on the business payroll and self-employed persons, sole proprietors, owners, managers, partners, any family members working at the business, and any officers, agents, or personal representatives acting in a fiduciary capacity. 

Origination fee:

Total Number of Employees

License fee

0 through 2


3 through 10


11 through 25


26 through 50


51 or more


Renewal fee:

Total Number of Employees

License fee

0 through 2


3 through 10


11 through 25


26 through 50


51 or more

Non-resident businesses

If your business is physically located outside city limits, but conducts business within city limits, your license fee is determined by the number of employees gross annual income earned within this city’s limits.

Employee definition: Any person who performs work, labor, or services for a business and is on the business payroll. The term “employee” also includes all full-time, part-time, and temporary employees or workers on the business payroll and self-employed persons, sole proprietors, owners, managers, partners, any family members working at the business, and any officers, agents, or personal representatives acting in a fiduciary capacity.

Origination fee:

Reported gross annual income

License fee

$0 through 2,000


Above $2,000

0 through 2 employees - $25
3 through 10 employees - $50

11 through 25 employees - $115

26 through 50 employees - $250

51 or more employees - $500

Renewal fee:

Reported gross annual income

License fee

$0 through $2,000


Above $2,000

0 through 2 employees - $25
3 through 10 employees - $50

11 through 25 employees - $115

26 through 50 employees - $250

51 or more employees - $500

Businesses exempt from city licensing

Your business may be exempt from getting a city business license but may be subject to zoning or code requirements. For more information, refer to Snoqualmie Municipal Code 5.04.090 or contact the city directly at or 425-888-5337. If you do apply for a Snoqualmie city license, a refund will NOT be issued.

Average approval time

City approval time not available. Contact the city directly for more information.

Apply for a city license

Additional fee Fee
State tax registration $0
Registering your business name as a trade name $5
Business license application fee Variable


Need help?
Setting up your business licensing and tax account
How to add a city license endorsement

By mail

Complete the Business License Application and City and County Addendum (Form 700 060/028) and send to the following address for processing:

Business Licensing Service
P.O. Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034