
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Update your account information

SAW profile name and email address

Update your SAW profile name and email address
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. On the account Summary page, click the Manage My Profile link in the top right corner of the page.
  5. On the Manage My Profile page, click the Profile tab.
  6. Click the Update your SAW profile contact information link to update your name and email address. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity. 
  7. Update your Name or Email and then, click Update
  8. Click Return to My DOR to return to the My DOR Services page.

My DOR profile

Update your My DOR profile
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. On the account Summary page, click the Manage My Profile link in the top right corner of the page.
  5. On the Manage My Profile page, click the Profile tab.
  6. To update your phone number, click Change Phone Number. To update your Security Question, click Change Security Question.
  7. Click OK. Your updated information displays.

Address change

Update your mailing or location address

We will send correspondence to the mailing address on a business or individual account. You must be an administrator on the account to update the mailing address.

Updating a business location address may require you to complete a Business License Application.

  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started. If you have access to more than one business or individual, click the name of the business or individual you want to update.
  4. On the Summary page, click the More Options tab.
  5. Within the Your Account section, click Manage Names & Addresses.
  6. Select the address to update. If the address does not display, you do not have the permissions required to update this information.
  7. Below the current address, click Change this address. If instructed to complete a different form due to regulatory restrictions, complete that form. Otherwise, continue to step 8.
  8. Enter the new address and verify the address. If required, select the correct address and click Save. If the address cannot be verified or you want to use the address as you entered it, click Yes to continue.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Review the information and click Submit.
  11. On the Confirmation page, click OK.

Trade names and activities

Add a trade name
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and then, click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get StartedIf you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business you want update.
  4. On the Business License Account panel, click the Other Updates link.
  5. In the Manage Business Names and Address section, click the Add/Cancel Trade Names link.
  6. Click Add. The Online Business License Application opens and the Add a trade name option (use a new business name) should be checked. Confirm the information is correct and then, click Next.
  7. Enter the Business phone number and email address.
  8. Click Next to continue.
  9. If you need language assistance click Yes and then, click Next.
  10. If you are changing the Primary Business Name of your business, select Yes and enter the New Primary Business Name. Click Next.
  11. If you are keeping the Primary Business Name, select No and then, click Next.
  12. On the Register Trade Names page, enter the trade name you want to add and then, click Next. If you want to cancel a trade name, check the box next to the trade name on the Cancel Trade Names page. Click Next.
  13. Review the total fees, and then click Next.
  14. Review the information on the Summary page, then click Next.
  15. Select the payment type you wish to use and follow the prompts. More information on payment options.
    • Bank Account (ACH Debit) will deduct the payment from the bank account you select on the next page.
    • Credit or Debit Card will charge the card you provide on the next page. A 3.25% processing fee is charged by a third party vendor for this service. Enter your email address. Click the Enter Card Information button to be redirected to a third party vendor to complete the transaction.
  16. On the Review & Submit page, review the information and click Submit.
  17. On the Confirmation page, you can print your confirmation number by clicking Print Confirmation.
  18. Click OK.
Delete (cancel) a trade name
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and then, click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get StartedIf you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business you want update.
  4. On the Business License Account panel, click the Other Updates link.
  5. In the Manage Business Names and Address section, click Add/Cacel Trade Names.
  6. Click Cancel.
  7. The Cancel Trade Names page displays. Select the trade names you would like to cancel and then, click Submit.
  8. On the Confirmation page, click OK.
Update excise tax account doing business as (DBA) name

You must be an administrator on the account to update the Excise Tax Account Doing Business As (DBA) Name.

    1. On click the Log in button.
    2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
    3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started. If you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business you want to update.
    4. On the Excise Tax Account panel, click the Update Doing Business As (DBA) Name link.
    5. Select the DBA Name you would like to be associated with your business. Only one DBA Name is allowed. To create a new DBA Name you will need to register a new trade name by following the steps here.
    6. Click Submit.
    7. On the Confirmation page, click OK.
Update business activity
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and then, click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get StartedIf you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business you want update.
  4. On the Business License Account panel, click Other Updates link.
  5. Within the Manage Licensing Account section, click the Update Business Activity link.
  6. A message displays. Enter a Subject for the message and an explanation of your business activities in the Message section.
  7. Click Add Attachment in the Attachments section if you wish to add an attachment to your message.
  8. Click Send.

Account closure

Close a tax account
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and then, click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started. If you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business requiring the account closure.
  4. On the Excise Tax Account panel, click the Close Excise Account link.
  5. Enter the close date of your business and click Submit.
  6. On the Confirmation page, click OK.
Close a license account
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password and then, click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started. If you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business requiring the account closure.
  4. On the License Account panel, click the Close License Account link.
  5. Complete all required information and click Submit.
  6. On the Confirmation page, click OK.

Update contact information

Update business license contact information
  1. On click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log in to My DOR. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started. If you have access to more than one business, click the name of the business you want to update.
  4. From the Summary tab, click the More Options tab.
  5. Within the Your Account section, click the View or Update Contacts link. If needed, filter by Account Type.
  6. Click Edit to review or update the contact information for the account.
  7. Review and update the contact information, and then click Submit. Please note, the changes made only update the account selected. Your Secure Access Washington (SAW) profile is not updated by this change.
  8. On the Confirmation page, click OK.