To change the entity type and/or trade name for an existing liquor business complete the Application to Change Entity Type and/or Trade Name form and submit to
To change the entity type and/or trade name for an existing liquor business complete the Application to Change Entity Type and/or Trade Name form and submit to
Required for businesses or nonprofit organizations that manufacture, distill, wholesale, transport, import, or export alcoholic beverages.
Complete the following forms:
State endorsement |
Fee |
Nonretail liquor |
Required for businesses or nonprofit organizations that retail or serve beer, wine, or spirits, such as grocery stores, restaurants or bars.
Complete the following forms:
State endorsement |
Fee |
Retail liquor |
If you’re applying for a Spirits Retailer Liquor License and intend to sell to liquor retailers for resale at their licensed premises, or you’re applying for a Wine Retailer/Reseller endorsement, you will also need a Federal Basic Permit under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act.
A Federal Basic Permit is required for each location you plan to sell to another retailer and it must provide for purchasing product for resale at wholesale. Apply for this permit online with the TTB. It is recommended that you post this permit on your premises with your other licenses.
Additional fees | Fee |
State tax registration | $0 |
Registering your business name as a trade name | $5 |
Business License Application fee | Variable fee |
Add a state endorsement to your business
Apply for a new business license
Online assistance
Setting up your business licensing and tax account
How to add a state endorsement
Complete the licensing requirements above and mail to: