
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Weighing and Measuring Devices

Any businesses where any of the following devices are used to determine the charges for a product or service based on weight or measure is required to have a Weighing and Measuring Devices endorsement.

Licensing requirements and additional supporting documents

State endorsement



Small: 0–400 lbs.


Intermediate: 401–5,000 lbs.


Large: more than 5,000 lbs.


Railroad Track


Motor Fuel Meters

Low: 20 gallons or less per minute


Intermediate: more than 20, but not more than 150 gallons per minute


High: more than 150 gallons per minute


Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicle Supply Port Level 2


Electric Vehicle Supply Port DC Fast Charge


LP Gas Meters

Small: dispenser diameter of 1 inch or smaller


Large: dispenser diameter greater than 1 inch


Miscellaneous Meters

Fabric Meter (for bolt cloth and similar material)


Cordage Meter (for ropes, cables, and similar material)


Mass Flow Meter (calculates mass of product flowing through meter)


Taxi Meter (used in a vehicle for hire)


(Fees shown for each individual device.)

Additional fees

State tax registration $0
Registering your business name as a trade name $5
Business License Application fee Variable fee

How to apply


Add a state endorsement to your business

Apply for a new business license

Online assistance
Setting up your business licensing and tax account
How to add a state endorsement

By mail

Complete the licensing requirements above and mail to:

Business Licensing Service
P.O. Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034