
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office is closed.

Annual business filers

File now! You must file and pay your annual 2024 return electronically using our free service, My DOR.

Attend a free webinar where we demonstrate how to complete an excise tax return, including multiple business and occupation tax classifications, deductions, credits, and litter tax.

The annual 2024 tax return is due: April 15, 2025.

If the due date falls on a weekend or state holiday, the due date is extended to the next business day.

Before you file:

To file, select from the following:

If you HAD business activity during the year

You must file and pay your annual 2024 return electronically using our free service,

To use My DOR, you will need a SecureAccess Washington user ID, password, and access to your tax account. Learn more.

If you did NOT have business activity during the year

You must still file your annual 2024 return by using one of the following options:

  • E-file a "no business” return online using our tax filing system, My DOR. Simply log into My DOR. You will need to have access to your tax account.
  • Phone: To use our automated system at anytime call 360-705-6705. Enter 1 at each prompt, your 9-digit tax Account ID/UBI number, and then follow the instructions.
  • Express file online at No login required.
If you CLOSED your business during the year

You must still file your annual 2024 return by using My DOR:

If you are unable to file or pay electronically

If you are unable to file and pay your annual 2024 return online, you can request a waiver. To request a waiver, send a written request with explanation to:

Electronic Filing and Payment Team
Department of Revenue
PO Box 47476
Olympia, WA 98504-7476

Mail - If you have a waiver from filing electronically, complete the paper tax return sent to you or download the return and instructions

Need help?

If you need assistance:

  1. Send us an e-mail with your tax questions and requests.
  2. Write to us for a binding tax ruling if you have a tax-related question specific to your business.
  3. Visit a local Department of Revenue field office.

If you are unable to file and pay your annual 2024 return online, you can request a waiver. To request a waiver, send a written request with explanation to:

Electronic Filing and Payment Team
Department of Revenue
PO Box 47476
Olympia, WA 98504-7476
  1. Call us at 360-705-6705. Tax specialists are here to help Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Automated services to file a no business tax return are available 24 hours a day.

To avoid long waits on the phone:

  • Call early in the month. You can file any time before the due date, but if you need assistance, call today.
  • Have your Department of Revenue tax Account ID/UBI number and tax return available. Your Account ID/UBI number is a 9-digit number that is printed on the tax return above the name and address label and on the top right of tax-related letters from the Department of Revenue.
  • Have the following tax information available:
    • Your gross income figures (gross income should not include sales tax collected.)
    • If you paid retail sales tax on the purchase of materials that you later resold have the dollar amount available you paid for the materials (do not include the tax.)
    • Location(s) or location code(s) available for where you purchased the materials.
  • Stay on the line and be patient. We answer every call in the order received.
  • Remember, if you don’t have any business activity to report, you don’t need to wait to speak to a specialist. You can Express file or call 360-705-6705 (Enter 1 at each prompt, your 9-digit tax Account ID/UBI number, and then follow the instructions).